Graphs for i233k
The circles in each graph represent planet clusters.
The different colors have the following meanings.
Gray - A cluster in which no one created colonies on the planets i233k explored
Green - A cluster in which only i233k created colonies
Red - A cluster in which only other players created colonies
Yellow - A cluster in which i233k and other players created colonies
Black - A cluster in which i233k did not explore any planets
Colony Creation and Loss AND Inter-cluster links i233k created
Carrier Movements, Creation, and Loss
Carrier movements only
Carrier creation and loss only
Exterminator Movements, Creation, and Loss
Exterminator movements only
Exterminator creation and loss only
Colonizer Movements, Creation, and Loss
Colonizer movements only
Colonizer creation and loss only
Probe Movements and Creation
Probe movements only
Probe creation only
Number of enemy ships destoyed by i233k