Darkworld : A game of intergalactic conquest |
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Status of server dw.deenlo.com and dw.deenlo.com:5002Game 8 was created on Dec 8 at 0235 EST on port 5002. Game 7 crashed sometime on Dec 7th. I think I fixed the bug. You can find graphs for game 7 here You can find the history log for game 7 here and the human readable version here. A 7th game was created on November 14th at 2235 EST on port 5002. Game four crashed on November 11th at 1233 EST. This is the same bug that crashed game 3. I put a fix into game 6 for this, which is still running ok. You can find graphs for the fourth game generated from the history logs here You can find the history log for game4 here and the human readable version here. A sixth was created on October 27th at 0120 EST. I finally found the cause of a bug that made probes report the amount of metal for another planet. This was caused by me making some incorrect assumptions about the new java auto-boxing feature. I killed game 5, since it had not been running long and I thought this was a very important fix to try. So we should get very good metal info in the universe view in this game. A fifth was created on October 26th at 0120 EST. I created this game because game 4 is pretty full. This game has a patch on the server that makes all metal show up in the universe view, no update is required on the client to see this. This game also has patches that should print out more debugging information if a bug occurs. I started a fourth game on another server on October 15th at 0040 EST. This game is running on dw.deenlo.com:5002. The third game crashed October 16th at 1052 EST. I think I know what caused the crash and have fixed the bug. However I am going to investigate the matter a little further before restarting the server. It looks like a three way battle might have taken place on a planet but I am not sure. This has never occurred before. I also want to add a little more debug code to make diagnosing problems in the future quicker. The second server I started on port 5002 is still running. I am disappointed this game crashed it was just starting to get really interesting. I was preparing to enter into major conflict with three players. Probably not so smart on my part, but it would have been fun. I had more ships than any one of the single players, but combined they had a lot more ships than me. I was hoping I could make some quick gains. You can find the history log for game3 here and the human readable version here here. Update You can find graphs for the third game generated from the history logs here A new game was created October 9th at 1945 EST. The second game crashed, with what appears to be a new bug. I will not be able to look into until the weekend, so I went ahead and started a new server. You can find the history log for game2 here and the human readable version here here. Maybe someone can create a tool to "play" these logs. The human readable version was created by example/darkWorld/HistoryLogger.java found in the source and server archives. I suspect one of my bug fixes for caused a new bug. The bug was in the login code, where I added a feature to abort the connection of a hung player. Update You can find graphs for the second game generated from the history logs here A new game was created October 7th at 0820 EST. The first game crashed w/ a rare bug I never tracked down in 0.2.0. I guess it was not so rare :( I only saw it once in the year I was running the 0.2.0 server. A new game was created October 6th at 2055 EST. To see a history of the server status for release 0.2.0, click here |